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Meet the Owners ~  Danny & Misty Atkins

In building this website I put a lot of thought in regards to this page and actually saved it for last, and to be honest I worried excessively about it for days before I would even start.  I read so many other sites and national companies sites that were very professional and full of promises and declarations, but left me wondering still "who are they"?  I did not  know them know more than when I started reading their phrase "About us".  


I came away with a decision to make,  that I could write this up with the proper verbiage and throw in some 3 syllable words to impress even a Harvard Grad, but at the end of the brief paragraph you still would not know about this company and the people you are considering to do business with  or coming on board to work for.    For me to know about a company, you have to know the foundation in which a company was built on and the structure in which it stands.  So please, let me tell you the story behind  MAPPS, LLC.........


The foundation of this company started in April 2013 with a husband & wife duo who at the time did not have two pennies to rub together.  The Atkins had a truck and that was about it.  They borrowed a trailer and bought some pawn shop tools and lawn equipment on credit.  They started out as a sub-contractor for a gentleman that was holding 20% up front weekly out of their pay.  They did not realize that the client had been watching them closely the entire time and within 6 months they was given an opportunity of a lifetime, to become a vendor.  So.... they branched out on their own - took a chance and started working even harder.  They relocated for the client in order to cover larger zones with more volume, stationing two hrs away from home.  At this time they were covering all of North Louisiana.   Every year they continued to grow by the blessings of the Good Lord.  Withing two years of starting this company,  the work load became more than what one crew could handle and they started contracting some of the work load out.   Within the last year they started the expansion into other states. 


The crews and theirs families of Mapps and the client in who we provide services for, have become a responsibility of the Atkins that they take much pride & humility in.  We have always tried to put our best foot forward with our clients and take each home we enter into in account as if the bank representative was there present with us.  So  OUR company, crews & office staff are our strength and structure in which we continue to grow.  This is what sets us apart and makes us different.  I could have wrote an article about the same things you are reading on every other page you go to, but at the end of the day that is not who we are and what this company is about.  We are responsible, hard working,  diligent, determined, and above all else - at the end of the day this is "WHO WE ARE"!!!   




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